Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trip to South China Sea

It was a wet morning, meeting Apit as usual under his void deck. From there we move on to Republic of Singapore Yacht Club to meet the rest of Team Nelayan Inc.

And from there the adventure begins!

The smell of excitement fills the air as the rain started to drizzle and came to a complete stop. Nasi Lemak welcomed us for breakfast. All compliments from Pai.
Breakfast done, its time to board the Nelayana, one of the finest fishing vessel in Singapore.

Below are some of the candid pics...pls enjoy them too!! AW Aw yeaaahh!!!!

That's all for this time CR. This Catch Report is dedicated to NazFreako, Ali.G and Indra who can't be with us on this trip.
God bless all !!! See you soon!